Saturday, March 7, 2020

New paths

Directions, Paths, Branches....

We are never ready when we feel the unsteadiness of our path. I lead a life not defined by the normative narrative of adulthood; education, finding a partner, settling down, buy a house, have children, structured career paths. Mine is always driven by my quest to explore my mental and physical limits. My explorations are mostly internal but in recent times, they are guided by my need to survive. It sounds particularly dire and dramatic but truthfully, it is not. It is a luxury that some of us have when one feels to survive is to explore uncharted paths of life. It has lead to many heartbreaks and self-reflection and being an artistic feeler, it can be a stifling weight that hinders progress. Nonetheless, these experiences, upon reflection, do add to the already rather colourful tapestry of my life.

"Directions" and "Feels" are my attempts to break through the faux ceiling that I have imposed on myself about 6 years ago when I realised that the business of art is not about pleasing one's aesthetics but to strategically adapt. I started to produce realistic art pieces in the hope that my art is better appreciated and more importantly, purchased.

However, I went against my natural inclination to produce "feeler" art. I don't possess the vernacular of the erudite artistic scholar as my art journey has been mostly self-directed but "feeler" art is what I like of abstract art. No academic breakdowns. Just subjective emotions. There is nothing more freeing than to mentally trudge an emotional path while making Feeler pieces. "Directions" is my juvenile attempt to integrate my realistic and "feeler" identities. It feels unsteady to reestablish this new equilibrium but it does not enervate me. Watch this space.

(Directions 7 March 2020, Medium: Pastel on paper)

(Feels 8 March 2020, Medium: Acrylics on paper)

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